Umsókn um leyfi

Varðandi veikindi og leyfi

Hægt er að skrá forföll með því að hringja á skrifstofu skólans í síma 441-4400 eða í gegnum Mentor, annars vegar veikindi sem skráist sem heill dagur og hins vegar leyfi fyrir stakar kennslustundir, t.d. ef nemandi þarf til læknis, í sjúkraþjálfun eða þess háttar.

Leyfi fyrir heila daga þarf að sækja  um hér.

Nánar um ófullnægjandi skólasókn má finna hér


Regarding sickness and leaves

Dear parents and guardians

As always you can notify us of absence of your child from school by calling the school office tel. 441-4400 or through Mentor, both whole days and single periods. Whole days get registered as illness, single periods as leave, as those registrations are meant for instances when the child is only absent for a part of the day, for a doctors appointment or similar. If you need a leave for a whole day or more, there is a form here to fill out.

Of course you are always welcome to report any absences directly to our secretaries.